CG Driving surface water retention

Ecological value
Water storage
Care and maintenance
The driving surface retention system design is an effective way of delaying rainwater runoff and adding it to the natural water cycle through evaporation. Installing driving surface on a roof requires a robust solution that can withstand the load from vehicles. In addition to the system design, the load-bearing capacity of the roof structure and the impact of forces acting on it horizontally also need to be taken into account. Rainwater retention does play an important role on green roofs, but water needs to be drained quickly from road surfaces so that it doesn’t stay there for too long. Which is why good drainage is important.

Use ClimaGrün’s own configurator and solution finder to obtain an overview, detailed system planning and calculation of the costs in no time.


1Road surface pavement

Deliver paving 14 cm thick, lay on at least 5 cm lime-free chippings 0-5 mm, including filling of joints, professionally according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Road surface pavement

2Bearing and levelling layer

Supply, professional installation and compaction of a base and levelling layer for unbound pavement construction. Material: Crushed stone 0-22.

Base layer unbound heavy

3Filter fleece CG-FV 325

Filter fleece CG-FV 325 prevents fine particles from being washed into the drainage layer and guarantees high water permeability.

4Retention module CG-RM 150

Retention module CG-RM 150 for extensive and intensive green roofs, as well as the associated coverings, for temporary or permanent water storage with high retention volume.

5Protection & Storage Fleece CG-SSV 1000

Protection & Storage Fleece CG-SSV 1000 to protect the roof sealing with separating and water storage function.

Slide foil CG-GF 200

Slide foil CG-GF 200 as a sliding layer under surfaces that can be driven over or walked on.

Retaining element with restrictor CG-AED

Retaining element with restrictor CG-AED for object-specific adjustment of a defined restrictor discharge.

Technical info

Weight* approx. 610-750 kg/m²
System height approx. 45 cm
Roof pitch
Run-off rate Object-related adjustable
Retention volume approx. 140 l/m²
Water storage approx. 0-140 l/m²
Usage category N1-N2 (vehicles up to 3.5 t total weight)
* Weight of pavement indicative; temporary water backlog in the retention volume is not taken into account.

Extra products and add-ons

Tenders made easy

  • Slide foil CG-GF 200
    ClimaGruen slide foil CG-GF 200, as a sliding layer under surfaces that can be driven over and walked on, with the following properties: Material LDPE (soft polyethylene), nominal thickness approx. 0.2 mm, weight approx. 185 g/m², tensile strength (DIN EN 12311) approx. 10-25 N/mm², tear strength (DIN EN 12310) MD: ≥ approx. 14 N/mm², modulus of elasticity approx. 150-250 N/mm², bitumen and polystyrene compatible, supply and lay professionally in 2 layers with 10 cm overlap.
  • Protection & Storage Fleece CG-SSV 1000
    ClimaGruen protection & storage fleece CG-SSV 1.000 for the protection of the roof sealing with separation and water storage function and the following properties: Material PP (polypropylene) - recycled fibres, nominal thickness approx. 5,0 mm, weight approx. 1.000 g/m², water storage capacity approx. 4,0 l/m², static puncture resistance (EN ISO 12236) approx. 4.000 N, geotextile robustness class GRC 5, supply and lay professionally with 10 cm overlap.
  • Vertical protection mat
    Building protection mat CG-BSM 6, for the protection of waterproofing at the edge area, supply and install according to planning specifications.
  • Retention module CG-RM 150
    ClimaGruen retention module CG-RM 150 for extensive and intensive green roofs, as well as the associated coverings, for temporary or permanent water storage with high retention volume and the following properties: Material recycled polyolefin made of PP (polypropylene) - PE (polyethylene), nominal thickness approx. 150 mm, weight approx. 9,0 kg/m², void volume approx. 93 vol.%, retention volume approx. 140 l/m², compression strength (DIN EN ISO 25619-2) approx. 800 kN/m² at 5 % compression, supply and lay professionally.
  • Filter fleece CG-FV 325
    ClimaGruen Filter fleece CG-FV 325 prevents fines from being washed into the drainage layer and guarantees a high water permeability with the following properties: Material PP (polypropylene), nominal thickness approx. 2,9 mm, weight approx. 325 g/m², opening width O90 (EN ISO 12956) approx. 0,09 mm, static puncture resistance (EN ISO 12236) approx. 3.850 N, geotextile robustness class GRC 5, water permeability H50 (EN ISO 11058) approx. 80 l/m²s, supply and lay professionally with 10 cm overlap.
  • Base layer unbound heavy
    Delivery, professional installation and compaction of a base and levelling layer Structure for unbound pavement construction at least 10 cm layer height. Material: Crushed stone 0-22.
  • Road surface pavement
    Deliver paving 14 cm thick, lay on at least 5 cm lime-free chippings 0-5 mm, including filling of joints, professionally according to manufacturer's instructions.
  • Retaining element with restrictor CG-AED
    ClimaGruen retaining element CG-AED for object-specific setting of a defined restricton discharge with the following properties: Material retaining element stainless steel (1.4301), material retaining adapter PVC, height approx. 210 mm, outer diameter approx. 375 mm, drain pipe diameter approx. 110 mm, accumulation cylinder diameter approx. 110 mm, stepless variable height adjustment approx. 60 mm, drainage capacity approx. 6,2 l/s, object-specific restrictor holes, weight approx. 5,2 kg, supply and install professionally.

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ClimaGrün - CG Driving surface water retention - Rating 5/5