CG Extensive Pitched Roof 15-35°

Ecological value
Water storage
Care and maintenance
"This system solution is a pitched roof system with thrust protection, for roofs with slopes of 15 to approx. 35°. From this degree of roof pitch, shearing protection is necessary to prevent erosion and problems that can arise during heavy rainfall. No special requirements have to be met for the thrust protection system, it can be used on all roofs with a pitch of up to approx. 35°. The thrust protection is available in different units of measurement and is therefore easy to adapt as required. This system solution can also be used for roofs in special shapes and with much greater roof pitches. However, these cases require very detailed planning, which needs to be done in collaboration with ClimaGrün’s experts. When it comes to complex green roofs with special pitches, ClimaGrün is a specialist."

Use ClimaGrün’s own configurator and solution finder to obtain an overview, detailed system planning and calculation of the costs in no time.


1Sedum vegetation mat adhesive tape for fabric CG-SVM GT

Sedum vegetation mat adhesive tape for fabric CG-SVM GT for extensive pitched roof vegetation, well combinable with herb, grass and seed mixtures.

2Multi-layer substrate extensive CG-MSE

Multi-layer substrate extensive CG-MSE light for extensive green roofs, as vegetation support layer for sedum, herbs and grasses, with high-quality aggregates and low weight.

3Thrust protection CG-SSZ

Thrust protection CG-SSZ for pitched roofs as shear protection for extensive and intensive green roofs.

4Protection & water storage fleece CG-SW 800

Protection & water storage fleece CG-SW 800 can be used for the protection of the roof sealing with high water storage function up to 35° roof pitch.

Inspection chamber CG-KS 30 h10

Inspection chamber CG-KS 30 h10 for use above roof drains on extensive and intensive roof areas with gravity drainage.

Technical info

Weight* approx. 125 kg/m²
System height approx. 9 cm
Roof pitch 15-35°
Type of vegetation Moss-sedum
Water retention approx. 50%/year
Peak discharge coefficient** Cs = approx. 0,6
Water storage approx. 35 l/m²
* The material weight of the substrate varies locally
** According to the current FLL green roof guidelines, Önorm L 1131 & UNI 11235

Extra products and add-ons

Tenders made easy

  • Water storage
    ClimaGruen protection & water storage fleece CG-SW 800 for the protection of the roof sealing, with high water storage function, can be used up to 35° roof pitch, with the following properties: Material 100 % synthetic fibres, nominal thickness approx. 6 mm, weight approx. 800 g/m², water storage capacity approx. 10,0 l/m²,Static puncture resistance (EN ISO 12236) approx. 1.000 N, geotextile robustness class GRC 2, supply and lay professionally with 10 cm overlap.
  • Raise the protective layer
    Properly raise the protective layer from the preliminary position at the edge area according to the planning specifications.
  • Thrust protection CG-SSZ
    ClimaGruen thrust protection CG-SSZ for pitched roofs as thrust protection for extensive and intensive green roofs, with the following properties: Material HDPE (hard polyethylene), dimensions 200 mm, wall thickness approx. 1,27 mm according to DIN 53855, shape rhombic, tensile strength according to ISO 10319 approx. 5,4 kN/0,1 m, tensile shear test according to EN ISO 13426-1 4,0-8,5 kN depending on cell type, supply and install professionally.
  • gravel edge
    Supply gravel of grain size 15/30, predominantly round grain, to form a gravel edge, 8 cm high and 40 cm wide, and lay according to planning specifications.
  • Multi-layer substrate extensive CG-MSE light
    ClimaGruen Multi-layer substrate extensive CG-MSE light for extensive green roofs, as a vegetation support layer for sedum, herbs and grasses, with high-quality aggregates and low weight, supply and install to the naturally compacted layer height of ____ cm. Material (main components) Brick chippings, lava, pumice, expanded clay, expanded shale, green waste compost, weight dry approx. 750 kg/m³, weight water-saturated approx. 1.300 kg/m³, max. water capacity ≥ 35 vol %, water permeability ≥ 40 mm/min, salt content ≤ 3,0 g/l, pH value 6,0 - 8,5, organic substances ≤ 60 g/l. The compaction factor is generally approx. 1,2, with pneumatic installation approx. 1,25.
  • Inspection chamber CG-KS 30 h10
    ClimaGruen inspection chamber CG-KS 30 h10 for use above roof drains on extensive and intensive roof areas with gravity drainage, with the following properties: Material PP (polypropylene), colour anthracite, dimensions 300 x 300 x 110 mm, weight approx. 1,3 kg, UV-resistant, manhole cover tread-resistant & closable, manhole base opening approx. 24 cm, supply and install professionally.
  • Sedum vegetation mat adhesive tape for fabric CG-SVM GT
    ClimaGruen sedum vegetation mats adhesive tape for fabric CG-SVM GT for extensive pitched roof vegetation, can be combined well with herb, grass and seed mixtures. Rotting carrier layer with substrate and with pre-cultivated sedum vegetation, thickness approx. 1-2 cm, weight water-saturated approx. 15-25 kg/m², vegetation sedum in different varieties, supply, lay professionally and then water sufficiently.
  • Completion maintenance Extensive vegetation mat
    Work steps: Water and fertilise sufficiently; remove extraneous growth; reseed bare patches; mow vegetation and dispose of grass cuttings after first seed maturity; check and maintain gravel areas and drainage The acceptance takes place at a projective ground cover of 80 %.

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ClimaGrün - CG Extensive Pitched Roof 15-35° - Rating 5/5