This system solution is suitable for pitched roofs with a slope of up to 15°, which usually do not require any constructive measures for shear protection. In order to still protect the roof from erosion and various problems such as slides that can occur during heavy rainfall events, a suitable system structure with erosion protection is sufficient. Sloping roof green roofs are designed as extensive green roofs as standard.
Use ClimaGrün’s own configurator and solution finder to obtain an overview, detailed system planning and calculation of the costs in no time.
Sedum mixture small-bale plants CG-SK for extensive green roofs with sedum young plants in combination with sedum sprouts or with herb and grass mixtures.
Multi-layer substrate extensive CG-MSE heavy for extensive green roofs, as vegetation support layer for sedum, herbs and grasses, with high-quality aggregates.
Drainage & water storage element CG-DWS 55 for extensive pitched green roof as drainage and water storage, slightly stabilising for approx. 5 – 20° roof pitch.
ClimaGruen protection & storage fleece CG-SSV 300 for the protection of the roof sealing with separation and water storage function and the following properties:
Material PP (polypropylene) - recycled fibres, nominal thickness approx. 2,0 mm, weight approx. 300 g/m², water storage capacity approx. 1,0 l/m², static puncture resistance (EN ISO 12236) approx. 1.000 N, geotextile robustness class GRC 2, supply and lay professionally with 10 cm overlap.
Raise the protective layer
Properly raise the protective layer from the preliminary position at the edge area according to the planning specifications.
Drainage & water storage element CG-DWS 55
ClimaGruen drainage & water storage element CG-DWS 55 for extensive pitched roof greening, for use as drainage and water storage, slightly stabilising for approx. 5 - 20° roof pitch with the following properties:
Material EPS (expanded polystyrene), nominal thickness: approx. 55 mm, weight approx. 820 g/m², filling volume approx. 18,0 l/m², compression strength unfilled (DIN EN ISO 25619-2) approx. 54,6 kN/m², water drainage capacity (DIN EN ISO 12958) measured at σ = 20 kPa and 10% slope approx. 1,19 l/m*s, supply and install professionally.
gravel edge
Supply gravel of grain size 15/30, predominantly round grain, to form a gravel edge, 8 cm high and 40 cm wide, and lay according to planning specifications.
Multi-layer substrate extensive CG-MSE heavy
ClimaGruen Multi-layer substrate extensive CG-MSE heavy for extensive green roofs, as vegetation support layer for sedum, herbs and grasses, with high-quality aggregates, supply and install to the naturally compacted layer height of 8 cm.
Material (main components) Brick chippings, lava, green waste compost, weight dry approx. 1.100 kg/m³, weight water saturated approx. 1.500 kg/m³, max. water capacity ≥ 35 vol %, water permeability ≥ 40 mm/min, salt content ≤ 3,0 g/l, pH value 6,0 - 8,5, organic substances ≤ 60 g/l. The compaction factor is generally approx. 1,2, with pneumatic installation approx. 1,25.
Inspection chamber CG-KS 30 h10
ClimaGruen inspection chamber CG-KS 30 h10 for use above roof drains on extensive and intensive roof areas with gravity drainage, with the following properties:
Material PP (polypropylene), colour anthracite, dimensions 300 x 300 x 110 mm, weight approx. 1,3 kg, UV-resistant, manhole cover tread-resistant & closable, manhole base opening approx. 24 cm, supply and install professionally.
Separation profile ALU CG-TP
ClimaGruen separating profiles ALU CG-TP for separating substrate and gravel or for finishing the green roof structure in extensive green roofs with the following properties:
Material aluminium, with drainage points including butt connectors, profile height 100 mm, width support leg 60 mm, profile length: approx. 2,5 m, thickness 1,50 mm, supply and install professionally.
Sedumsprouts CG-SST
ClimaGruen Sedum sprouts CG-SST for extensive green roofs in combination with herb and grass mixtures, or to form a pure sedum carpet. Supply the sprouts, approx. 5-10 different sedum species, at approx. 80 g/m², apply and work in professionally, then water the substrate sufficiently.
Sedum mixture small-bale plants CG-SK
Sedum mixture small-bale plants CG-SK for extensive green roofs with sedum young plants in combination with sedum sprouts or with herb and grass mixtures. Distribute the young plants, approx. 5-8 different plants, mixed with 12-15 pieces/m² on the substrate surface and plant them, then water the substrate sufficiently.
Completion maintenance Extensive seeding
Work steps: Remove extraneous growth; reseed bare patches; mow vegetation after first seed maturity; dispose of green cuttings; water and fertilise sufficiently. Control and maintenance of gravel areas and drainage. Acceptance takes place at a projective ground cover of 60 %.
Completion maintenance Extensive planting
Work steps: Remove extraneous growth; replant bare patches; mow vegetation after first seed ripening; dispose of green cuttings; water and fertilise sufficiently; check and maintain gravel areas and drainage The acceptance takes place at a projective ground cover of 60%.