Sedum vegetation mat CG-SVM

Sedum vegetation mat CG-SVM for extensive green roofs with special light substrate, in strong windy zones, well combinable with herb, grass and seed mixtures.

Technical info

Material rotting natural fibre fabric with substrate and pre-cultivated sedum vegetation
Thickness approx. 1-2 cm
Weight water-saturated approx. 15-25 kg/m²
Vegetation Sedum in different varieties
Processing Level substrate, lay mats professionally, water sufficiently on the day of laying
Delivery form Dimensions Standard: approx. 1,0 x 2,0 m, special sizes on request
Storage Roll out sedum mats immediately

Alongside stand-alone products, it’s our system solutions combined with standard products that meet all complex demands and ensure the process is easy.

Discover the advantages of our green roof system solutions:

  • A sophisticated process when planning, turning your concept into reality and maintaining it
  • Resource friendly production, packaging and shipping
  • Professional assistance with all planning requirements
  • Quality guaranteed
  • Compliance with standards and directives

Tenders made easy

ClimaGruen Sedum vegetation mat CG-SVM for extensive green roofs with special light substrate, in strong windy zones, can be combined well with herb, grass and seed mixtures. Material rotting natural fibre fabric with substrate and with pre-cultivated sedum vegetation, thickness approx. 1-2 cm, weight water-saturated approx. 15-25 kg/m², vegetation sedum in different varieties, supply, lay professionally and then water sufficiently.


© ClimaGrün GmbH - Subject to change, typos and printing errors, version: 9 November 2022

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ClimaGrün - Sedum vegetation mat CG-SVM - 604010 - Rating 5/5